Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Today we helped pack food for children in other parts of the world. Feed My Starving Children is an organization that puts food in bellies. It has a program where groups (and individuals) can go to their warehouse and package food to be sent out. It does not cost anything, although they welcome cash donations, as well. It was very powerful to see the video beforehand of malnourished children, and the amazing recovery they make after being fed just one meal a day on a regular basis. It was also a good reminder to my kids that they are hungry, not starving. If you live in the area, and want to get your children involved in some sort of volunteer work, this is a great place to do so. I plan to make this a regular activity.

Speaking of food - tonight I made zucchini pancakes with the beginning of our garden's harvest ~

We had them with some grilled fish Scott and Charlie caught earlier this year. Mary liked everything - especially the lemon~

1 comment:

Amy said...

It's nice to know we're not the only parents who have fed our baby lemons just to watch her screw up her little face when she realizes how sour they are.
